Bayer pledges more investments in regenerative agriculture

By 2050, Africa’s population will have doubled thus pilling pressure on Governments in tackling food security. CNBC Africa spoke to Debra Mallowah, Africa Lead, Crop Science Bayer for more. 


By 2050, Africa’s population will have doubled thus piling pressure on Governments in tackling food security. CNBC Africa spoke to Debra Mallowah for more. This is quite a critical summit for us to be a part of. And as you rightly say, the Bayer mission is health for all, hunger for none. That is why we exist. We also recognise that in a continent like ours here in Africa, you have a very fast-growing population. In 2050, we will have doubled the population in Africa, for example. And there was an FAO report that said the world needs to produce 50% more food in order to feed the world. And when you think about the accelerated population in Africa alone, we have a critical role to play in delivering food security for this continent. Fast-growing population, the arable land that we have or the agricultural land is not growing at the same exponential rate, obviously. So there's an issue to solve. And Bayer, alongside with partners that you have in a summit like this, have a role to play in getting behind the food security issue in Africa. And what are some of the agricultural innovations we are seeing when it comes to matters of investment? What investment are we seeing in the agricultural innovation sector, looking at technologies that aim to enhance productivity and also sustainability in Africa? And also, what more are you doing on that front? So for us, when we look at the issue of food security, we look at it in tandem with regenerative agriculture. And what do we mean by regenerative agriculture? We're conscious that we have to produce more, but we also have to restore more back into the planet. And in so doing, scale regenerative agriculture. We look at region agriculture from the point of view of the outcomes that we deliver. So we have an outcome-based model. How will we produce more, restore more, and scale more, one farm at a time? And technologies will play a critical role. So it's in the seeds and trades area. It's in the crop protection area. So for us, we are looking at unprecedented investment in technologies and in R&D. So R&D is critical to Bayer. We're also looking at how we drive our talent agenda, bring in and enhance more capability. And then, obviously, innovation becomes a critical role. If you look at today's world of climate change in the seeds and trades area, how do we enable seeds and trades that are adaptable to those changes that we're seeing within the changing climate? We are playing a critical role and a forefront leadership role in getting behind innovations that will make a difference in a fast-evolving environment. And when it comes to matters climate change there, and also geopolitical instability that we have seen, you know, it's quite a lot we are seeing when it comes to addressing food security challenges in Africa, and climate change is at the forefront of that. So what can we see as some of the strategic measures that could be implemented to combat the escalating issue of food insecurity in Africa? So a forum such as this is critical because it brings many players. It brings the private sector. It brings government. It brings international agencies. So it brings a collection of parties that have a key role to play on food security. You can never go it alone, and as Bayer, we know we cannot go it alone. So we welcome and actually partner with various partnerships within the ecosystem to address the food security issue. By 2030 in Africa, we will increase net population by about 500 million people. And so the sense of urgency is critical and key. And this is where we look at adjacencies, whether in the nutrition area, we look at adjacencies in the digital platform areas, we look at adjacencies that also enable us to scale. So not just the input that we can bring in, but look at a wider ecosystem and the adjacencies that can enable us to scale on this pressing matter of food security. One in five Africans are food insecure. That's around 146 million people today. And with that fast increase in population, that only gets worse unless we do something more deliberate and more strategic. And that is where the regenerative agriculture practices become really key for us. All right. You mentioned regenerative agriculture. Maybe let us talk about it. What are some of the direct economic and the business advantages for you when it comes to driving the adoption of regenerative agricultural practices? I think you almost have to step back and ask the question, why? Why does this matter? Why is this important? Again, as I mentioned, the population increase is at such a high rate. And the land mass remains exactly the same. And we're seeing degradation, land degradation happening at the same time. It is becoming increasingly imperative to look at how we produce more. The world is hungry for food. The world is hungry for fiber. The world is hungry for fuel. But look at how we produce more and at the same time restore more. That is when it becomes really, really critical. And for us, we look at soil health as the core foundation of that. An enabler of how we produce more, but restore more and give back to the planet. And in Africa, with the high population increase and the land degradation that's coming in, Bayer, with a mission of health for all, hunger for none, has absolutely got to be at the forefront along with ecosystem partners to solve and get behind solutions for the continent that we're on.

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Bayer's Commitment to Regenerative Agriculture to Tackle Food Insecurity in Africa

Theme: Bayer's commitment to investing in regenerative agriculture to tackle food insecurity in Africa

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Article Summary

Bayer, a global leader in the life sciences industry, has pledged to invest more in regenerative agriculture to address the pressing issue of food insecurity in Africa. With the continent's population set to double by 2050, there is an urgent need to ramp up efforts to ensure food security for the growing population. Debra Mallowah, Africa Lead for Crop Science at Bayer, emphasized the company's commitment to 'health for all, hunger for none' during a critical summit on food security. Mallowah highlighted the challenges posed by the fast-growing population in Africa and the increasing demand for food production in the face of limited arable land. In response to these challenges, Bayer is focusing on regenerative agriculture as a key strategy to enhance productivity and sustainability in the agricultural sector. By investing in innovative technologies and research and development, Bayer aims to drive positive outcomes in food production and environmental conservation. The company's approach is centered on producing more, restoring more, and scaling up regenerative agriculture on a farm-by-farm basis. In light of climate change and geopolitical instability, Bayer recognizes the need for strategic measures to combat food insecurity in Africa. Collaborative efforts involving the private sector, government, and international agencies are seen as vital in addressing the complex challenges related to food security. Mallowah underscored the importance of partnerships in tackling food insecurity, noting that Bayer cannot go it alone in addressing the issue. By leveraging adjacencies in areas such as nutrition and digital platforms, Bayer aims to scale up its impact in ensuring food security for the continent. The urgency of the situation is underscored by the stark statistic that one in five Africans currently face food insecurity, amounting to approximately 146 million people. Regenerative agriculture practices are positioned as a key solution to combatting food insecurity by replenishing soil health and fostering sustainable food production methods. The economic and business advantages of driving the adoption of regenerative agriculture are clear for Bayer, as it not only enhances productivity but also contributes to environmental stewardship and long-term sustainability. By prioritizing soil health and restoration, Bayer is aligning its mission of 'health for all, hunger for none' with the imperative to address food security challenges in Africa. As the continent faces unprecedented population growth and land degradation, Bayer's investment in regenerative agriculture signifies a proactive approach to ensuring a food-secure future for all Africans.


"We look at soil health as the core foundation of how we produce more, restore more, and give back to the planet. And in Africa, with the high population increase and the land degradation that's coming in, Bayer... has absolutely got to be at the forefront along with ecosystem partners to solve and get behind solutions for the continent that we're on."

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Bayer, regenerative agriculture, food insecurity, Africa, agriculture innovation, sustainability, climate change, food security, population growth, soil health, environmental conservation